Monday, September 30, 2013

Many! Be thanked, Geniuses of modding!

With Status Driver May Have: 1) Downloaded Mods 2) Order In The Skin Workshop Part 3) Ask Of Help In Support Part 5) Any request by PM or Mail In Mod Will Ban Direct From The Forum.
1) Submissions are required within 24 hours following the TUTORIAL HERE 2) Signature of the mandatory settlement HERE 3) Change a 10 in the driver group after the presentation Validate a 10 and Regulations sign by the Staff. a 10
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Euro Truck Shop :: Amazing Mods Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: Miscellaneous Mods Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: Vehicles Miscellaneous Share | T: MOD [Multi Traffic Mod for ETS V 1.1a - Bugfix] a 10 Author Message
Mod Name: Multi Traffic Mod for ETS V 1.1a - Bugfix Mod Version: 1.1a Bugfix for TSM14.1, version 1.5.2 Mod Game Url: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link] Mod RAR or ZIP: RAR Creators Mod: TSM Team Volume Mod: Mod 279 KB Photo: [You must be registered a 10 and logged in to see this image] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image] [You must be registered and logged in to see this] picture Mod SP or MP: Test Link: [You must be registered and logged a 10 in to see this] Image Please post to see the link.
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Many! Be thanked, Geniuses of modding!

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These items are sold and expdis by DIFFERENT sellers. Show details Buy slectionns items together This item: Euro Truck Simulator 2 Just Games for Windows 7 / XP / Vista 35.99
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RGT FFB Racing Wheel Clutch

Shipping: This item can be shipped only within the U.S. and the following countries. ASIN: B0082NSCSO Release Date: October 19, 2012 Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (83 customer reviews)
Top Rated Dimensions: 1671 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games) n59 in Video Games> PC Games> hamsterx Games> Management and Simulation
Features: More powerful, more complete, more beautiful Trucks brand faithfully modeled and truck drivers 'upgradeable' All roads of Central hamsterx Europe accurately reproduced Build your own business and make it thrive
4 paintings
Fun: 5.0 out of 5 stars
A pleasant surprise this game, especially after playing many hours to its predecessor! All (or almost) has been improved. In fact, the graphics hamsterx are really nice, very well worked (especially in ultra mode). Now, no need to have a permit to engage in overseas, you can now access from the beginning of the game to other countries News: handling with the handle (or Microsoft Xbox preferably), very useful for the jo

Sunday, September 29, 2013

1) Submissions are required within 24 hours following the TUTORIAL HERE 2) Signature tuazar of the

With Status Driver May Have: 1) Downloaded tuazar Mods 2) Order In The Skin Workshop Part 3) Ask Of Help In Support Part 5) Any request by PM or Mail In Mod Will Ban Direct From The Forum.
1) Submissions are required within 24 hours following the TUTORIAL HERE 2) Signature tuazar of the mandatory settlement HERE 3) Change in the driver group after the presentation Validate and Regulations sign by the Staff.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Amazing Euro Truck Shop :: Workshops Skins Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: Workshops Skins Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: Creations :: Finished tuazar Pack International Truck Edition Share | T: PACK [Pack Interntional Truck Gwen 'Edition 1.7.5 for TSM4.1 and 1.5.2 patch] Go to page: 1, 2, 3 ... 9, 10, 11 Author Message
Mod Name: Pack Interntional Trruck Gwen 'Edition 1.7.5 Mod version: 1.7.5, tuazar optimized for TSM4.1.x, tuazar version 1.5.2 of the game Url Mod: Mod RAR or ZIP: RAR The creators of Mod: Mod gwenadu2010 Volume: tuazar 1.10 GB (2.06 GB uncompressed) tuazar Photo Mod: Euro Lines replaced by Brittany Ferries increased vegetation (trees and grass) Enhanced visual effetes (version 3 ) Improved Garage BEFORE: AFTER: Replacing a logo with the logo eurotrucksimulator2 Notes: First of all thank you to you for downloading the pack, the interest you have shown in my work gives me the energy to keep working on future versions, especially 1.8 and 1.8.5 being created Thanks also to all the team, especially Jerome Fred501 90 and that helped me to create the package ( I think the cb in French for example) A big thank you to Jerome for all 90 images and videos made, and a huge thank you to L7CFox who also made great videos on the pack This pack is optimized to run on 1.5.2 version of the game and the TSM4.1.x map TSM Team. This pack may well enable a current backup, tuazar it will add new companies and new skins and tractor trailers on an existing part. What does the 1.7.5 version compared to version 1.6: - Repair of Iveco High Way - Improvements large garage International Truck Gwen 'Edition - Improvements to environmental sounds - Added several trailers in the game for a total of 150 trailers! tuazar - Adding extra lights tuazar to Iveco - Adding multiple interiors tuazar for each tractor - Changing the display of Scania - Improving the environment: adding additional trees - Added some conversations in French CB Difference between 1.7 and 1.7 packs .5: - 1.7.5: TDU sports cars will be absent from this pack. I'm working right now on the compatibility of the integrated TDU in version 1.7.5 as a patch Installation: - Extract the two files and place them in the mod folder - In the game, select both files and launch a part. - If you start a game with a new profile, do not enable any desuite pack: make the first mission, then start the second. Stop the game and restart it. Now activate the pack. Compatibility: - DLC Is Going - All maps. Quick Troubleshooting: - My game crashes at startup with the pack -> disable it, play a little and turn it back on - My game keeps crashing -> go back to an old backup, it should work - My game continues to crash - -> no choice, we have to start a new game with a new profile ... If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask on the forum in the place for the pack. This pack is protected by its copyright for any changes made to want to ask for authorization by its creator MP, thank you for your understanding rating on the enhanced version: 1.7.5 Enhanced pack fixes some errors accessories the garage. 1.7.5 The improved package is more stable during play SP or MP Mod: Link test: Link DepositFiles: ENHANCED PACK 1.7.5: Thanks for posting the link to see.