Monday, June 1, 2015

The last time I heard of this problem has been 4 years ago, I believe. Do you have the latest video

I've seen this a known problem for both PC and PS3 (I can only find solutions for PS3). I myself use the PC version lo where I no solution can be found if I am in the water course I can play on, but if I go under water (so if I literally underwater viewing) crashes the game to my desktop I have Version of Skyrim (seen left of the menu when I press pause during game play), according to the latest version
The last time I heard of this problem has been 4 years ago, I believe. Do you have the latest video card drivers? What I remember me it was some sort of filter setting. Turn you possibly add-ons? such as the "Realistic lo water mod"?
Currently lo I'm not on the computer where Skyrim twisted while, but I can already answer what I know. I did my best PC recently (1 month or back), but I can just check the drivers and the filter setting lo this afternoon when I get home. I also downloaded add-ons that I want for water (such as the "Realistic Water Mod".) No idea if one of these to do with who I am: Official: Dawnguard Dragonborn Hearthfire lo Not officially Unofficial Skyrim Patch Unofficial Patch Dawnguard Also I even add-ons but that just doing other things (such as sounds, textures of the characters, SkyUI)
Also texture packs which can be dangerous. I would first look clean when you try and run the Steam version have also "verify integrety lo of game cache". rclick on skyrim in steam -> properties -> local files -> verifiy ...
I do not think that one textures and so is because I was able to just before the water. But I think it is a good idea what you said, I'm going to install my game again and then play first without mods. If he does it again, I try slowly becoming lo one mod there doing Thanks.
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