obstructed from the outside, through the radiation field of evil from the inside, through the blood of birth, since the seed of evil has caught radicals inside us. But there is something even more run, ie, risks whose consequences we play bad games. It is an organized, layered gigantic fraud, a large error, which encroach incessantly between us and God's purpose. Because of this error and fraud become victims every so often. The risks are transmitted through our blood, the total human race souls. Violence exercised bodies of the image of God, and we see that entities who have reached full development degenerate again from these risks. The upward curve then bent down again, values wowhead already recruited go again and lost created a terrible wowhead confusion. The dialectic earthly nature, intended only for the spacetime field generation has become so a class vices, where a terrible lurks constantly raging evil. This evil has spread in every being, and therefore wowhead we image carriers infected by the mire of evil all the time. That's why Paul says: "Why do not we have to fight only with flesh and blood, wowhead but with kings and princes, that the rulers of this world who are masters of the darkness of this world, evil spirits are down here , our own heaven. " (Ephesians kef.6). There is unfortunately no longer the case, namely that enough wowhead to prepare our mental entity the state of our consciousness of flesh and blood on the road and then conduct the struggle of "adaptation", not throughout the material and reflective sphere there are organized forces that our eye. We will therefore examine, if all these obstacles have not proved too large to be able to overcome them. In order to eliminate obstacles and stick invulnerable to our mission in the name of God, Paul gives us the advice wowhead to put on an eightfold armor: So will further illuminate wowhead this eightfold path. "Zostheite Truth as a belt on your waist," that was the beginning. With superficial sense this belting can be reported in clothing, in belting clothing in preparation for a road. But the clear symbolism used by Paul forces us to look deeper. wowhead E rgazomaste internal, reference is made to the High-spleen system whose center is in the solar plexus. This system is substantially the center of the production of blood and blood screening. Located on the heights of the kidneys, ".. like belt to your waist." The belting into this sense therefore means starting wowhead from a certain assurance of blood. All acts of a man both the invisible work of thought and emotional life, and outdoor activities start from the blood or controlled by it. When perizothei someone with some certainty the blood, when this certainty starts in hepato-splenic, when blood is renewed incessantly liver with such assurance, and the man really lives therefore such liver condition, then it can only to follow a similar life acts. So if you want to truly experience the path, if you really want to march, Objective, and the Essence of the Absolute Truth, be present in your blood. "Anyone who has the Truth in blood is bound to diffuse wowhead his blood for his brothers who do not live in such a state of blood". How to realize this? We will explain below physico-scientific correctness of these things.
Christian brotherhood .. in the new primordial Self. A
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