Friday, June 6, 2014

Note: The tutorial neverwinter for marble fondant with which they covered the cakes that you can lo

Add them to the side pockets and black felt pen to draw the front part. Through the legs squeeze by Čakalić but leave part of which will go to the sneakers. In the upper part of the pants to put two toothpicks and stick them on the upper part of the body that you have made of white fondant (Figures 5 and 6).
From fondant color make hands, then white sleeves and black gray hour. His hands and sleeves compose a smaller part of toothpicks. Glue the hands to the body, then the lower side scrunched her with a napkin and let it dry. Add the black part in the middle of shirts. neverwinter
Of white fondant neverwinter then cut part of the eye and zalepiti in recess. From the green fondant Cut a circle for the eyes. Black felt pen to draw the pupil, and brown felt-tip pen eyebrows. Make a dent in the mouth and nose to nose. Make your ears, and then the hair of brown fondant.
At the place where it needs to go neck, stick a toothpick and stick your head. Black fondant to make a strip that goes on the composition of T-shirts and doors. Through both sneakers stick a toothpick and leave as much as you think it is enough to later thrust into the cake that Ben is standing firm.
Note: The tutorial neverwinter for marble fondant with which they covered the cakes that you can look here for fondant recipe you have here fondant, black and skin color are Barvallo neverwinter lepite toothbrush and a little neverwinter water, or make glue so they melt a piece of fondant figurine in water kept at room temperature, click on the image to view it larger
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Mint. I just similar rights which use less toothpicks, only two used to connect the shoes and legs and that is also included in the cake and a short one to bother glavu.Za hands do not use them but only on the nice shirt right equalize.
Excellent Ben, congratulations neverwinter :) I'm interested in how you did the letters Ben10, ie, how did they fear?
Minja, You are the one before, before, too perfect woman! I have just one question: I called Barvallo, and say they have no skin color fondant, only some peach, they never even had! So this is checked, now I called them personally?
Cao Minja and I'm interested in the mode where the springs get these letters and how to make Ben 10, because we soon 4 birthday neverwinter and I received orders from his son to be a cake BEN 10.Puno greetings and praise for all the recipes and decorations
Ben 10 is an extra ispao.Mladjem son alone rules pepu pig and turned out to be awesome but now I have one son wants problem.Stariji commandos neverwinter on the cake but I really have no idea how to uradim.Ako can pomozite.Sledece week he rodjendan.Veliki greeting
Minja, Do you take black and colored fondant goats Barvallo, because you can not accomplish that nice color when you're making itself? I mean specifically the black, because I want a baby sister for a birthday neverwinter to a real Ben 10 per your recipe, so afraid if I buy black in the gel, and paint the fondant itself and not be a nice dark black, then it will be a problem :-) Thanks in advance ! Best regards!!
Dalmatian neverwinter from fondant-tutorial
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