Friends, and old friends Andrew Garfield and Eddie Redmeyn igrice try to support each other in their professional igrice career, attending premieres and screenings of films in which they had a chance to play. October 23, 2014 held a regular spetspokaz movie "Stephen Hawking's Universe" (Theory of Everything) in New York at the TriBeCa, where guests were Andrew, Zachary Quinto, igrice Gina Gershon. Eddie talked to the fans in the audience and gave a brief interview. Photo and video under the cut
"I have not had the opportunity to cheerlead in public igrice [for Eddie] before - we do it in private all the time," Garfield said, calling Redmayne "one of my closest friends."
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> Robert Pattinson / R.Pattinson> Tom Hiddleston / T.Hiddleston> Colin Farrell / Colin Farrell> Ben Barnes / Ben Barnes> Jude Law / Jude Law> Daniel Craig / D.Craig> Tom Sturridge / T.Sturridge> Gerard Butler / G.Butler> Dzh.Sterdzhess / J.Sturgess> Dzh.MakEvoy / J.McAvoy> David Gandy / David Gandy> Orlando Bloom / O.Bloom> Eddie Redmeyn / E.Redmayne> igrice Sam Claflin / Sam Claflin> Ed Westwick / Ed Westwick> Hugh Laurie / H.Laurie> Keith Harrington / K.Harington
GALA Fifth Estate / The Fifth Estate (B.Kamberbetch) August: County Osseydzh / August: Osage County (B.Kamberbetch, Yu.MakGregor) Kill Your Darlings / Kill Your Darlings (D.Redkliff) reimbursable / The Railway Man (K.Fert) SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS `
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