Wednesday, November 19, 2014

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His name is Garfield, he lives in New York, and he's a big fat cat. It turns out that obesity affects not only people, but also cats. Overreliance Garfield food led to inactivity, and as a consequence - to weight gain. Now the animal weighs more than 18 pounds! Garfield holds the position of the heaviest cat in the world, and therefore animal advocates took it from his beloved mistress, for cruel treatment (overfeeding considered abuse). Garfield put on a rigid diet after weight loss he will find new, more caring owners who will worry about his health.
Although veterinarians and now claim that Garfield extremely healthy, has no problems with internal organs and his tests are normal. But doctors believe that obesity will sooner or later affect the health of red meowing, and therefore no easing in the diet. Garfield was named in honor of his cartoon kinsman, and he tries hard to fit him. The cat likes to nap, lie on the couch and eat out. It is worth noting wii that Garfield is not the only fat man among cats. His brother Bob (by the way, he also red) is also very fat cat - he weighs 15 pounds, wii although Garfield he is still far. But if Garfield still be forced wii to lose weight, palm clearly intercept Bob.
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November 13, 2014
Wild animals
Royal Panaca - the only fish eats wood.
July 13, 2014
About four billion years of life on Earth exists. Modern scientific community is convinced - the only planet in the vast universe, where there are all conditions to maintain a fulfilling life. And first appeared on Earth interesting animals - organisms, ranging from primitive virus particles and ending with the largest land mammals. Evolution synthesized fauna, with each new millennium occurred truly infinite variety of life forms. 2.5 million species are known to modern science - and this is not the limit! No one in the world knows how much in reality forms of animal organisms inhabit today on our vast planet. Virtual project "These funny animals" is intended to lift the curtain. We attempt to fill "gaps" in the life of little-known species and groups, we generalize wii the latest scientific articles will give everyone a chance to speak to our readers - because people can not imagine this world without fauna inhabiting it. Interesting animals encourage us all the time to learn about them something new. And we do not get tired to wonder - how nice they are, truthful, trusting and sincere - these funny animals. People have a lot to learn from them! Maternal animal care, respect for nature, sensitivity to one's neighbor and understanding wii of each other without hardship.
We will offer you the most interesting facts about animals, their habitats, the ecosystems, the habits, characteristics. Reading, every day you'll learn new information about the animals, to see rare photos, interesting videos, debate and discuss articles, enter competitions and share with each other the most interesting. We hope that our project will attract the attention of those who influence the safety and preservation of animals. The master human activity brings beasts irreparable harm, and requires more attention of society. wii Web Project "These funny animals" for those who love our smaller brethren in all their diversity, who are interested in everything that has to do with their lives. Join us in our zoo community to make this world better!

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