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(Copies of strategic culture - Peter Iskenderov, Photo: Reuters) While the Serbian leadership draws to himself the results at all simple events in north Kosovo and the UN High Commissioner for Foreign Policy, Baroness Catherine Ashton, reports the "peaceful nature of the elections in Kosovska Mitrovica," calling them "important step on Serbia and Kosovo to the EU" - within the EU maturing the chive new serious problems. [1]
The European Commission's recently published report, "an official appointed under permanent surveillance" of Germany - the economic leaders of the European Union. Such a procedure is called, which provides control over the development of the situation in this or that "suspicious" Member State of the EU. Until now, this procedure is referred to the "problem" of the country and predicted to closely monitor budgetary policy of the government and its compliance with the requirements of the anti-crisis EU and the IMF. [2]
However, when it comes to Germany, claims the European Commission carry serious character. The country is accused of fishy high level of trade surplus. In September this indicator reached a new record high of 18.9 billion. [3] According to the European Commission, this result is due to an artificial increase of the experts in terms of the economic problems of major trading partners of Germany in the form of East Central Europe. And because similar policies not only do not contribute preodolevanju pan-European the chive financial crisis, but on the contrary, leads to a further imbalance of the European economy.
The issue lies in the fact that if Germany is in such circumstances is able to "help establish the balance of the EU economy" - confessed Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission. "We need to know whether" high surplus of Germany violates "the functioning of the European economy as a whole" - said Barroso. And if the answer to this question is positive, then Berlin the chive threaten the financial-economic and political sanctions, similar to the "problematic" countries.
The European Commission in Germany has sparked suspicions expected. Volker Wieland, an economic advisor to the governments of Germany, he hastened to explain that the commercial success of his country came as a "result of the action of the market," a colleague Lars Feljd even spoke of a "successful magic" by the government of Angela Merkel. [4 ]
However, Jose Manuel Barroso similar argument is not persuasive. He believes that leading economic countries in Europe (such as Germany and France) have a "special responsibility" for the situation in the whole of the eurozone. From this it follows that one should not "play to increase" the chive or "fortune hunting," but to help restore balance in the euro zone, contributing the chive to the continent appear the chive "new Germany".
The situation is aggravated by the fact that the map of the EU as a whole increases the number of countries in which the European the chive Commission the chive sees serious "risk of economic imbalances" - when this is between them, in addition to traditional Greece or Portugal and Ireland (which is already placed in brackets) appear and say would be economically solid state. the chive Here's the latest list on the list: France, Italy, Belgium, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
While the European Commission dispute with Germany over policies Berlin to East direction and expands the list of unstable economy, the East Europeans themselves collect points in its own conflict with Brussels. Tireless Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has managed to take an important court victory. EU court which is located in Luksemburguponištio the decision of the European Commission to compensate more than 100 million that was requested the chive from the Hungarian oil company MOL (the EC's decision was issued for the alleged use of preferences and violations of the principles of the common market of the EU).
This story dates back since 2005., And has already become a tradition very irritating issue in relations between Budapest and Brussels. The claims of the European Commission regarding the Commission the chive for the preparation of hydrocarbons, crude oil and natural gas. In December 2005th year, the company MOL signed an agreement with the government of Hungary, in which the base rate was fixed at 12%.
He later maintained that level no matter the chive what the rate for other market participants raised the level to 30%. The European Commission is to see it as a violation of market principles and has asked the Office of V. Orban to collect from the company MOL "nedobijenih" more than 100 million. On the other hand, the management company MOL file lawsuits EU European Commission. And the EU's highest court recently the chive ruled that MOL and the Hungarian government did not come out outside "the framework the chive of the legal field," and that they are acting in accordance with the agreement of the 2005th year. [5]
There is no doubt that the decision of the court of the EU in Hungary may have far-reaching consequences. Too many questions to be put EU member states regarding the policies the chive of the coma
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