Sunday, April 13, 2014

General Manager Imlek, Slobodan Petrovic, said that the amendment of the ordinance permitted amount

If you do not return the allowed level of aflatoxin at 0.05 micrograms per kilogram of milk, Serbia will fulfill one of the obligations in the process of Eurointegration, says the EU Delegation in Serbia.
As one of the reasons why the government changed its rules, Agriculture Minister Goran Knežević also stated that this provision is not binding on the list of conditions for access to the EU, as the EU Delegation in Serbia for "Blic" halo 4 refute.
- Harmonization of Serbian legislation halo 4 with EU regulations is part of the European integration process and prior to joining the EU and Serbia will have to apply this standard in its legal system and standards of food - say for "Blic" on this site.
Bulgaria Denies Minister Embassy of Bulgaria halo 4 in Belgrade halo 4 yesterday denied information published by Agriculture Minister Goran Knezevic, that in Bulgaria the allowed amount of aflatoxin in milk was 0.5 micrograms halo 4 per kilogram stating that the country's harmonized with EU standards - 0.05 micrograms per kg.
They also state that if Serbia decides to increase the allowed halo 4 level of aflatoxins in milk, this milk will not meet the standards required for export to the EU market. Ministry of Agriculture of Serbia has not been developed to deal with the problem that was affecting the production and processing of angels in Serbia. First they covered up the problem, then tried to shift the political halo 4 terrain, and then returned starti regulation and increased ten times the allowable limit for the presence of aflatoxin. Other countries are faced with this problem worked differently. Slovenia had a similar problem two years ago but the state followed by the day, not pushed halo 4 under the rug.
- Slovenia and last year had a similar problem with aflatoxin in milk, but no one came to mind to change the rules so as to enable ten times higher concentration of aflatoxins. Aflatoxin is a carcinogenic substance and it must not be joking halo 4 with that-says for "Blic" Breda Jakovac Strajn, assistant halo 4 professor at the Veterinary Faculty in Ljubljana.
- The limit of 0.05 micrograms per kilogram of milk was based on a very serious study who had worked all EU countries. The limit is taken as the safest precisely because it needs milk to drink children, halo 4 elderly, and sick people-she says.
The latest halo 4 analysis of the milk of the Government of Vojvodina done in laboratories in Germany have shown elevated pres aflatoksima in all samples. Pokrajnski secretary for inter-regional cooperation Branislav Bulgarian said yesterday that all 25 samples in the laboratory submissions in Baden-Wurttemberg had more than 0.08 mikrogarama alfatokisna per kilogram. Results of the analysis done in reference laboratories in the vicinity of Munich have shown that in all 19 samples of milk taken on 20 February presence of aflatoxin 0.1 from 0.12 micrograms per kilogram, says Bulgarian. halo 4
On the other hand, the participants of the round table on the damage caused by this affair, which was held in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce agreed that the milk in Serbia healthy and safe for use, and there was no need to raise such a fuss about the presence of aflatoxin, agreed yesterday.
The greatest damage of the whole affair pretrpeće domestic producers of animal feed, milk and dairy products, they warned, accusing the media that are superficial halo 4 and sensationalist approach contributed halo 4 to the deterioration of the whole situation.
Experts have pointed halo 4 out that the biggest problem is that the rules on animal feed and the milk and dairy products are not harmonized, there is no national reference laboratories in Serbia, nor the quality of feed is not legally binding.
General Manager Imlek, Slobodan Petrovic, said that the amendment of the ordinance permitted amount of aflatoxin in milk is correct, and the only possible solution at this time due to neuslagašenosti ordinances halo 4 that He pointed out that milk with aflatoxin content of 0.5 micrograms is not harmful, as What is not in Canada, Mexico, China, Australia, Russia, and throughout South America.
Read more began meeting Vucic and Knezevic on aflatoxin halo 4 Government of Vojvodina received the results from Germany: High levels of aflatoxin in all milk samples Kalanović Decision government will not endanger the health of citizens Knezevic again confused pots: Bulgaria denied halo 4 minister, allowed 0.05 aflatoxin Knezevic: It is impossible to control 500,000 small cattle farm in Serbia SNS and DS continue halo 4 to accuse the aflatoxin Djuric: The decision to increase aflatoxin Aflatoxin slap citizens in Serbia will be more due to climate change DS: The milk, put a label
In Germany the province of Lower Saxony, the Company commissioned at least 10,000 tons of fodder maize originating from Serbia, which, halo 4 according to the local Ministry of Agriculture, contaminated with aflatoxin, a poison halo 4 fungal origin that causes cancer. This information was announced yesterday in Hamburg weekly "Der Spiegel". halo 4
On the other hand nemčaki sheet, "Bild" writes that poisoned corn for animal feed, perhaps, and not originated from Serbia

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