Saturday, April 12, 2014

On PBS :: Actions :: RTS Diaspora Film Program :: :: Digital TV :: Music Production :: RTS presents

On PBS :: Actions :: RTS Diaspora Film Program :: :: Digital TV :: Music Production :: RTS presents :: PGP :: Champions League
European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation banned flights to Crimea. Congress passed a law about a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine. Viktor Yanukovych said that he would not allow the separation of the Crimea from Ukraine.
In an official response to the request of the Russian agency Itartas for an explanation of Obama's statements, the staff of the U.S. President announced that he thought the unique situation of Kosovo, which gained its independence after many years of exhausting negotiations and cooperation, in which the international community has played a leading role, according to Russian radio .
"Eurocontrol strictly follows the ICAO Convention on International Civil Aviation and does not recognize free games the unilateral declaration of air traffic services over any part of the Ukrainian air space, except for the Ukrainian authorities," the statement said.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier announced previously tolerant attitude towards countries that have parallel relations with Moscow, pointing to respect the rights free games of the partners to determine the balance of policy free games towards the EU and Russia.
"Instead of conditional cooperation in general and we (EU) or they (Russia) respect the rights of our partners to determine the level of employment and the balance of policy towards the two centers of power," said Steinmeier introducing new foreign policy orientation free games in the discussion with the Berlin students, transferred today's policy, according to Tanjug.
Steinmeier said the EU's attempt to extort from Ukraine to determine to Moscow or Brussels was a big mistake and that the level of EU foreign ministers prepared to be a new tactic respect to certain countries, particularly to those in Eastern Europe.
Yanukovych said in an interview to the AP said that "it would be ensured that it does not allow the separation free games of the Crimea" and to accuse the current government in Kiev. It is said that he personally and Russia were not to blame for the separation. free games
Ukraine announced that it would sue Russia in international free games courts for the annexation of the Crimea, said Acting Ukrainian Defense Minister Andrej Deščica after a joint meeting of the NATO-Ukraine.
"Ukraine Crimea considered an integral part of its territory. We in international courts filed a lawsuit against Russia. We are committed to return to the Crimea with extensive international support," said Deščica, noting that it will not happen overnight.
Viktor order to return to ispravnja perfect job, forgetting that it was an opportunity to do so in time to pull Ukraine out of the crisis benadj and chaos that is now late Viktor your career should be ended, what is man when he gets out chair, free games which means power and authority, nothing bre Victor tell more stories, Kordunas.
If the Russians as they do, they will no longer be able to fly into space, and even if they manage somehow (which is currently in the field of fantasy ...), will not be able to go to the space station'' Mir''. It is the way Russian, although free games allowed everyone to go there so it is called'' international''.
This is not the so-called'' no-fly'' zone over Crimea (of which there is nothing, because it's Russia). It is about the prohibition of European airlines to fly to Crimea. What you said'' imagination'' West would say Putin.
You sir are still living in the 20th century. You still is not clear that the geopolitical picture of the world has changed. Western nations and the NATO bloc are able to work while Russia has been conditioned free games by the loans. BRIKS changed the entire economy. Serbia remembers the NATO bombings and the illegal seizure of Kosovo. how is this legally il illegally which makes Russia we will see later. Who knows what else that is going on in Ukraine. Russians remain our greatest friends and we should be proud of it.
Related news Slavjansk, gunmen in police building Putin: It's free games not nice to read other people's letters to the United States imposed sanctions krimskoj gas company saber-rattling in Donetsk, Russia issue an invoice Ukraine Lugansk, hostage crisis? Torched government buildings in Kharkov Ukrainian rightists tortured to death? Harkov, protesters occupied a government building free games Germany announces new sanctions on Moscow

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