Thursday, April 3, 2014

It is now clear that their incitement Europe contributed to the destabilization of the situation in

It is now clear that their incitement Europe contributed to the destabilization of the situation in Ukraine. Creeping spread of chaos can become a trigger of the financial and economic crisis. At least European, but also much more than that - a global crisis. sleeping dogs Ever since it became an independent Ukraine was completely destroyed. Only to meet the current liabilities related to government loans and loans it urgently needs to create about 35 billion dollars. And to her real economy and launched a Ukrainian leaders find it necessary to between 150 and 200 billion dollars.
As before, sleeping dogs remains to be floating in the air the question of who will financially to save the Ukraine. sleeping dogs Russia does not recognize the current regime of Kiev. America is ready to support the "heroes of Mine", but only a moral issue. True, Washington has a "bag sleeping dogs of money." It is called the International Monetary Fund, but the bag only react to the command of the Treasury and the U.S. Department of State. However, Washington officials sleeping dogs of the IMF are not so shallow sleeping dogs to lend to a country that is on the brink of bankruptcy. More likely that the IMF will make an effort to force Kiev to repaying sleeping dogs loans that are granted sleeping dogs to him before the crisis. sleeping dogs
Europe remains, but the financial and economic situation of the poor in it. In January this year, Eurostat released the latest data on sovereign (government) debt of the European Union and the countries belonging to the euro area (Table No. 1).
It can be seen that for a year (from the end 3.tromesečja 2012. 3.tromesečja by the end of 2013). Sovereign debt of EU countries increased by 351.1 billion, sleeping dogs or 3.2%. The sovereign debt of countries in the euro zone rose to 312.5 billion or 3.7%. Relative levels sleeping dogs of sovereign debt in the euro zone, but at the end of 2015 can not come up to the level of 100% of their GDP. After all, today many EU countries have a relative level of sovereign debt above 100% of GDP. The highest indicators of national debt to GDP ratio at the end of 3.tromesečja 2013 were recorded sleeping dogs in Greece (171.8%), Italy (132.9), Portugal (128.7%) and Ireland (124.8%). The European Union today - it's kind of a house of cards. If only one country publish bankrupt government debt, it will entail and all other countries entering the EU. The weakest sleeping dogs link of the European financial system as countries of Southern Europe and Ireland. Refinancing their debts to deal with the European Central Bank, the Special Fund of the European Union, the IMF, but to them it is more complicated. Therefore sleeping dogs starting to resort to expropriation or deleting banal obligations of banks and countries (Cyprus model of expropriation). Simple - Europe for Ukraine has no money.
If you deal with the bailout of Ukraine and Europe alone can quickly sink, because today she is at an impasse. To save Ukraine can not, but can not and do not try to save her, because she comes from Ukraine sleeping dogs serious threat.
First, Europe is a sense of direct physical threat. On the Ukrainian territory are working four nuclear power plants. They are the ideal facilities for terrorist acts. Europe, after all, has not forgotten the Chernobyl average.
Third, the pipelines pass through Ukraine to the blue fuel carried in several European countries. Last year, the volume of gas consumption in Europe amounted to 541 billion cubic meters, and the import of gas was 253 billion m third Delivery of "Gazprom" Europe (along with Turkey) last year reached 161.1 billion m third The Russian fuel to European gas market share of 30%, a large part of it still comes through Ukrainian territory. Through Ukrainian pipelines delivered 83.7 billion m 3, respectively - over Ukrainian territory now runs 33% of the total European imports and 15.47% of the total consumption.
In 2013, the Ukraine has passed 52% of Russian sleeping dogs exports to Europe. Growth instability in Ukraine with the new regime will force them to consider and such emergency situations which may lead to cutting sleeping dogs passages Russian gas to Europe or the diversion may appear a temporary interruption in the flow of gas.
In this case, the attack will find Italy, Turkey, France, sleeping dogs Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, and not just one. Inevitably, there will be an increase in the price of compressed sleeping dogs gas, and oil, and immediately after that, and other types of energy and petroleum products. There may be the effect of a "trigger". The weakest link in the European construction probably represents Italy, which is the relative level of sovereign debt in Europe in second place, right after Greece with 132.9% of GDP. The absolute volume of Italian debt was 2.1 billion euros. According to this indicator, Italy in Europe occupies the first place. Any interruption in the transportation of natural gas through Ukraine may Italy at the time of the knockout. And after that shall, sleeping dogs within 24 hours of a European house of cards to collapse.
Will it be enough to clear the global crisis is hard to say. Serious blow can be applied and the Chinese economy, which depends heavily on energy imports. But in the U.S. the increase in energy prices today is not an overly strong critical factor k

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