Friday, May 15, 2015

Not in class or in the center they have the opportunity to speak in Filipino. If this happens pole

Suppose no audible whenever you speak Filipino. Offended or smile rather than just respond. If they answer in English and usually still say, "What are you saying?" Or "I do not understand."
These are signs that your child is having difficulty or do not speak the Filipino and maybe they are also struggling with their school assignments using this language. How can we help them?
If heretofore have only a few stories for children that we see in libraries written in Filipino, is now constantly growing collection of various fun stories that are sure to love your children. In reading the story Filipino, children disney xd become familiar with the form and structure of the sentences in Filipino. Furthermore, the stories children will also contain a variety of manners and good manners of a young Filipino brand. Our library contains several well-known titles and stories about famous characters in literature Filipino uppers Carancal, Pilandok etc.
Patintero. Tagu haven. Agawang base. Who could forget the fun games? Why do not we go back again? disney xd Playing Filipino games will awaken the interest of children in the culture of a Filipino. Now he would be interested disney xd to learn other things about it. While playing, you can also train the child to communicate with Filipino and use of words such as "forecast" and conceited "that some words are difficult to describe in a classroom only.
Our workshop is not only to discuss the games, but we also ipinaparanas these children with some as young Filipino to hard! In this way, children are also learning how proper playing and dealing disney xd with their neighbor.
We can send our children to the center and more teachers disney xd to fill temporary needs in their school. But not enough. Children need to see the futility of their study not only for their school but also to their identity as a Filipino. As parents, we must show them that we ourselves are excited and interested in the Filipino language by using it at home and every time we talk them.
Not only in the language! As demand disney xd for our own items, such as food, documentation and outgoing Filipino real acts. This way more motivated young study and conversation with Filipino craft that mommy and daddy because they are great here! This method also gives a more intense disney xd training the children speaking in Filipino.
Not in class or in the center they have the opportunity to speak in Filipino. If this happens pole children learn the Filipino language, in vain for them to study it and consequently, they may permanently disney xd lose interest in being a Filipino.
Writer: Miss Tolet is one of the teachers in the native tongue; Mastery of Learning Library. One of its main objectives in teaching is to pass the love for the native language to the next generation of Filipinos through music, art and literature.
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