Do you remember the funny game like Tumbang Jailbird, Luksong-may, Luksong-Thorn and Piko? Some games just to Filipinos who rarely see or played by children today. You can see the children at home and playing Clash of Clans or computer shop and nagdo-DOTA. Have we forgotten that the game came to our ancestors?
Chances are we do not know but there are kids still enjoying these games. We find them in areas far from the city, away from the influence of the high-tech gadgets and computers. We know some of these games to be handed to us Filipinos.
AGAWAN BASE The Rivalry Based requires two groups. We own base both groups. Simply evaluate the other group the base of the enemy to win, but if you have them touch the opponent's one in your group will call this the "captive". To save the hostages, simply touch it to his colleagues.
The Marble Marbles or English is also one of the famous game among young Filipinos. Players gathered their marble into a box or circle drawings. The player with the most marbles to be released was the winner, players can also hit the marble of the other players to win.
The game is similar Luksong may also Luksong BUR. In this game, a bet might be to bow down and serve luluksohan other players. The cow will stand with every leap of other players. Assess the players when she was sumalat the cow while leaping.
The Luksong Bur is played by two groups. A group for jumping and groups to act as a spine. The two players will serve as the spine by their hands and feet. Luluksohan also its other players. Just a bunch assess if they have them touch the spine while jumper.
The Palosebo usually played every festival in a town or village. By high bamboo fitted with grease, it must climb the players farming simulator 2013 to get the prize at the end of the bamboo. The prize can be money or toys.
Patintero well known blocking call from one of the most often played when I was young. This requires two teams. A team and a team crossing turn for blocking. Scoring, simply traverse and return the entire team intangible guard. At the crossing, you take care of the whole team because I have them touch guard least one other team will assess them.
The Kick is one of the famous game of the young people especially in high school. It is played with tin skin with candy or straw. It must be thrown upward and upward kick players who do not sasalat the ground. The player with the most number of Nasipang washer is considered winner.
The Tumbang Jailbird is also one of the famous horror game here with us, with only slippers and a tin. How does it play? Simply knock out the players can use their weight (footwear). I have watched the bets naibalibag plummet to other players to wager she took another.
These are just some of the games we Filipinos tend played before. Hopefully we can restore them and teach future heneresyon. Let us teach them the fun and excitement caused by Pinoy games, the games of our Race.
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