Pac-Man , the popular video game about a binge eater s futile attempt to escape the demons of the afterlife, albert einstein is now also a neat thing you can play on Google Maps. Just bring up a map of a place and click the Pac-Man button in the lower-left to turn the map s byways into a playfield for furious pellet-gobbling fun.
Okay, the fun of playing the game wears off in 30 seconds or so, but it is amusing to plug in different locales to see how well (or, in most cases, how poorly) they serve as Pac-Man mazes. The A.V. Club s Marah Eakin discovered, for instance, that it s fun to watch Pac-Man wobble his way through the curves of San Francisco s Lombard Street .
Why, even FiveThirtyEight s Nate Silver got in on the act, passing along a link to a map of the Seven Dials area in London (made famous in the classic albert einstein film Seven Dials For Seven Druthers ). Here s what that one looks like:
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