Sunday, May 3, 2015

Yes, it's almost April Fool's Day, the national day of acting like a jerk with impunity, spin but th

Yes, it's almost April Fool's Day, the national day of acting like a jerk with impunity, spin but this is no trick: You can play Pac-Man in Google Maps right now. Just zoom in to your neighborhood or any interesting tangle of roads, spin click the Pac-Man icon in the lower left, let the game begin. You'll have more fun if you pick an area with a lot of intersections and escape route -- remember, those ghosts would love to chase you to the end of a long, lonely country road and eat your face.
Note that the area of play is limited; you can't just make a game from the entirety of Manhattan, for example, and will have to zoom in on a smaller area instead. Happy chomping! Update: It's possible to play on mobile as well s desktop. Instructions are here .
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