A former employee of publisher EA has declassified pitbull a new part of Mirror's Edge. In his twitter Ben Cousins wrote: Among the developers of Stockholm is well known that DICE is working on Mirror's Edge 2.Takim way Cousins commented on interview with the vice-president of EA Games Patrick Soderlund magazine OXM.
There Soderlund said that DICE does not want to be a factory for the production of [games of the series] Battlefield. He added that currently the studio is working on projects that are not related to the military shooter. However, Soderlund did not specify which specific pitbull projects in question. Rumors that DICE plans to release a sequel to Mirror's Edge, have repeatedly appeared in the press. But the studio pitbull has not officially announced pitbull it. In 2011, the media published the data that DICE has begun work on the second part, but publisher EA has decided not to miss it. The reason for this is believed to lower sales first part. The original Mirror's Edge came out on consoles in 2008 (on the PC came a few months later). The main character of this adventure game is a girl named Faith. The game takes place in the near future. Faith works illegal courier - runner. In the game she basically have to move quickly on the locations and hide from enemies. Ben Cousins, who spoke on Mirror's Edge 2 is the general manager of the Swedish branch ngmoco. He previously held a similar position at EA Easy Studio - company working on shareware games EA (they include Battlefield Play4Free, Battlefield Heroes, and others). Cousins also was the executive producer of games DICE - Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield Bad Company second
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