Thursday, October 10, 2013

With Status y8 Driver May Have: 1) Downloaded Mods 2) Order In The Skin Workshop Part 3) Ask Of Hel

With Status y8 Driver May Have: 1) Downloaded Mods 2) Order In The Skin Workshop Part 3) Ask Of Help In Support Part 5) Any request by PM or Mail In Mod Will Ban Direct From The Forum.
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Euro Truck Simulator 2 Euro Truck Shop :: Amazing Mods Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: Miscellaneous Mods Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: Accessories Share | T: MOD [RMW Truck Update_1.0] Author Message
Mod Name: RMW Update_1.0 Truck Mod Version: 1.0 Mod Url: [You must be registered and logged y8 in to see this link] Mod RAR or ZIP: RAR Creators of Mod: Tapan Roy Volume Mod: 29 MB Photo Mod: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image] Author's notes: "" ROY MOTOR WORKS (RMW): this file is addon for engines, transmissions and some other staffs for all trucks ETS2 Tasted: it tasted of 1.4.12s Mod (can be work in 1.4.x) Details:-The Mod 1) new engine for cars, trucks, 2) new transmission for all models of truck and 3) some update y8 for all truck Volvo FH16 and Renault Premium 1 models) Engine update: - all models of truck 6/7 different engine models at an affordable price. All engine models have real HP: KW: torque ratio relative to their average rev / min. You can find them realistically. 2) Updated transmission: - all models truck two different models of transmission at an affordable price. Note that the model 13 is designed for speed automatic transmission mode in the game and better for low-power motors. 6 speed model is designed for the transmission mode (sequential) game in hand and better for high power motors advised to use in my engine models. 3) Truck Update: Premium-Renault and Volvo FH16 truck models y8 have some change with this view. 4) Wheels: there are also two or three wheels for all truck models y8 you can find. Compatibility: - this mod is compatible with the others, but it is recommended not to use any other engine / transmission y8 mods please y8 avoid 1) bonus_engine_updates_by_onick, 2) Volvo FH13.700 (08) of maz_man, 3) zz800PS Renault Magnum, Premium, 4) engine_update_heavy_loads 5) premium6 ... these mods and it is not recommended to use 1) PerformancePackMAN, y8 2) IvecoHi-WayPerformancePack these mods I have given the necessary credits to all modders and give ETS2 Thank you very much. How to install: - 1) Unzip (using win RAR) the RMW_Update.rar, copy RMW_Truck_Update_1.0.scs in "2 \ mod Document \ Euro Truck Simulator" folder. 2) Open ETS2 game, edit your profile, select (click) RMW_Truck_Update_1.0.scs, then click continue and start playing. You can see the new game engine and transmission repair / upgrade shop truck. Use my mod and give feedback file "" Mod SP or MP:. Test link: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image] Thanks for posting the link to see.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image] [You must be registered and logged in to see this link] | | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link] | | MP Supports Box Close Last edited by Gwenadu2010 Sun September 22 - 13:20, edited 1 time

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