Wednesday, October 16, 2013

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For experienced players who play in shutkry first-person mode, capture the flag sign is not hearsay and is the classical regime. Two teams fight for possession of the flag of the enemy, to be delivered to his base.
We are pleased to introduce a new application Battlefield 3: End Game this fun and exciting mode to enhance your gaming experience and get a new experience. A new form of transport, off-road motorcycle, which will appear in the End Game, without a doubt the star of the Capture monkey quest the Flag mode. This is the perfect vehicle for movement on rough terrain. If the enemy flag you and you need to quickly deliver Egon its base, the best vehicle is hard to find. In addition to the rear passenger seat, the bike gives the driver some protection from bullets, carrying him farther away from his pursuers. The problem in a Capture the Flag mode, at first glance, it seems simple, all you need to do to capture the enemy's flag and bring it to your base. But do not forget that the enemy is trying to do the same. And if your flag is captured, then before you deliver the enemy flag, you need to return your. Therefore, this mode requires monkey quest the coordinated efforts of all the players that would conduct lightning attacks, and if necessary to defend well. Capture the enemy flag is instantaneous, just walk up to him to capture, and then take it to their base. If the enemy with your flag is killed, then bring it back is not easy. You have to go to the capture radius of the flag, and then starts a countdown timer. The more soldiers in the capture radius, the faster your flag will be returned back. After capturing monkey quest the enemy flag, you should choose a vehicle for its delivery to your base. Once you get into it, the flag is automatically moved to your chosen vehicle. If you prefer the speed, choose a dirt bike, then the speed will be your allies. But at the same time, a motorcycle has a very low protection. If you prefer the solidity of armor and protection, choose an armored monkey quest jeep or a tank, to deliver the flag to the base. In any case, no matter what kind of movement you choose, always be on your way there will be enemies that will try at all costs to return the flag back, and so is the mission alone will not overcome only with the support of their comrades. monkey quest Gameplay Battlefield 3: End Game in the Capture the Flag mode, thoughtful and very dynamic. There are two hot spots, the base of the opposing sides, which will be going on the main clash, but at any moment everything monkey quest can change. The fights will be held all over the map as you move the flag. Fight could very quickly start at one section of the map and just as quickly stop and flare up again just in the opposite corner. Battlefield 3: End Game coming monkey quest out in March of this year. You can purchase it separately for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, or get it in two weeks early at no extra cost, if you buy Battlefield 3: Premium.
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