Friday, October 4, 2013

C: MAP [Map MFG 1.0.5] Page 1 of 1 Permissions in this forum: You can not reply to topics in this f

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Euro Truck Simulator 2 Amazing Euro Truck Shop :: Workshops Maps Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: Workshops Maps Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: In Creations Share | C: MAP [Map MFG 1.0.5] Author Message
hello the map MFG 1.0.5 is a large map that remade the whole of France, finished in 2015, however, there already Dispot functional area and not fully finished versions it includes: cities-Rouen-Caen-reindeer-Alençon other:-the panels with lots of nice things:-the name tag on the cities and the number of kilometers remaining and of course the new cities on the panels-new model and texture-changing the appearance of games diesel prices change be realized on-board scenery varies with the realities ((mountain in the realities so in the games too) etc.) the 1.0.5 beta to the 09/31/13 05/10/2013 to follow
there's one thing I do not understand! Why you mappers, you do not group all of you together to make one and only one Map of FRANCE?? it would be much faster, would each part of the country and so we could enjoy ALL NON faster??
C: MAP [Map MFG 1.0.5] Page 1 of 1 Permissions in this forum: You can not reply to topics in this forum Euro Truck Simulator 2 Amazing Euro Truck Shop :: Workshops Maps Euro Truck Simulator 2 Euro Maps :: Workshops Truck Simulator 2 :: Creations In Euro Truck Simulator 2 Amazing Euro Truck Shop :: Workshops Maps Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: Workshops Maps Euro Truck Simulator 2 :: In Creations

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