Wednesday, October 23, 2013

here is the full interview, after reading you realize that this is another Pavlovich, who came to t Forums Members Calendar Awards Shoutbox
Head of Youth Authority sushi October district of Vitebsk created an organization "Russian House" and openly against the Belarusian language. About six months ago in Vitebsk was founded NGO "Russian House". It was headed by the chief of department on work with youth administration of October district of Vitebsk, a member of the pro-regime Union of Writers of Belarus Andrei Gerashchenko. sushi But he was not known for their creativity and success in working with young people, and thanks to the statements of the Belarusian language, the independence of the country and the nation as a whole Belarusians. For example, here is what he said in an interview with Russian portal regarding the Belarusian language: "Belarusian language has a wide circulation and use - rather, it is the language of the local" samastoynay "intellectuals. Finally, it was created at the beginning of the last century and is an artificial mixture of various local dialects, "- said Gerashchenko. "ERB" phoned to Vitebsk-official "writer." In an interview, he confirmed that, in his view, the revival of the Belarusian language should not the people, and a narrow circle of intellectuals. "It is a problem of a narrow circle of intellectuals, which is trying to build for themselves a perfect state, which they themselves represent. But this is unlikely to succeed in practice, "- said Gerashchenko. He also noted that the need for a Belarusian-language schools and kindergartens not. "Why is not Belarusian schools? Because this is not just a social necessity. If there was a need, believe me, the objects would be enough to translate into Belarusian. When we formed in Vitebsk Belarus classes, we had a hard nasobirali 13 people per class. We have a garden in Vitebsk, Belarus. It is popular for one reason - there is a gorgeous sushi pool, so everyone wants to enroll. Today, the needs of the people in Belarusization not "- said the" writer ". Just Gerashchenko said: "Belarus seems to me more likely another Russian sushi state, rather than the formation of other nationalities. In the relations between Russia and Belarus over the right to operate those criteria, we evaluated the relationship of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany ... ". Speaking official admitted that he is against his children to study the Belarusian language, and wants to remain "Russian paradigm" in generations. What this means is not explained, but complained that the Russian people sushi in Belarus harassed. "We in Belarus, the word" Russian "at a sufficiently large banned. Because it's kind of a competing paradigm, which, if given the opportunity, and supporters of, say, independence and Belarusization will have the same point of view, if you give her the opportunity, sushi the great civilization, say, Russian, Belarusian cultural swallow. Hence - the attempt to isolate, do some artificiality, a separate nation. But it's sushi unlikely, "- said Gerashchenko. And so, says we must "abandon the artificial independence, there is something to revive" - and seek to completely merge with Russia. And do not look to the West. Vitebsk bureaucrat-writer said a lot of things in the same style. But revealing another excerpt from the same "Russian" interview. "It should be noted that since the Soviet times it Belarusians, sushi Lithuanians almost complete control of a number of important areas in the field of culture - theater, media, publishing houses, etc., which leads to the illusion of living in Belarus, as it were totally different, not the Russian people . Unfortunately, in the ranks of many Lithuanians and Russian (the Great), who came from Russia itself, to learn the official Belarusian language and do not understand that the way they are playing into the hands of enemies of the Russian world, who want to tear forever White Russia from Russia and eventually deprive Belarusians their native Russian-ness. One of the most striking examples of such misconceptions sushi - deceased director of VIA "Pesnyary" Vladimir Mulyavin, born and raised in Siberia "- said the" sushi writer. "
If you cut off the wings of a bird and legs cut off, too, and get to lay eggs and a little sushi mace in the face that she has a broken spine nondescript povydergivali FIG feathers bird of happiness What happens in Belarus is a belief
here is the full interview, after reading you realize that this is another Pavlovich, who came to the open spaces and the great famine, and for what that's remained with us live. patients to be offended by what the "Russian House" in Belarus 28.01.2010 12:42:54 For six months in Vitebsk, the capital of the famous sushi international music festival "Slavic Bazaar", conducts its work Vitebsk Public Association "Russian House". In October 2009, the organization adopted the Coordinating Council of the heads of Belarusian public organizations of Russian compatriots in the Russian Embassy in Belarus. This is not surprising, because the current members of the "Russian House" more than one year are involved in the movement of Russian compatriots in Belarus. Ra

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