Thursday, March 27, 2014

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Today in the Museum of Folk Art in the 15 hours begins the exhibition "Diveevskaya miracle." The exhibition presents clay toys masters "Paraskeva" (village Diveevo) and decorative panels of wood winner Victor Stepanov Russian exhibitions.
Today in the Museum of Folk Art in the 15 hours begins the exhibition "Diveevskaya miracle." doberman The exhibition presents clay toys masters "Paraskeva" (village Diveevo) and decorative panels of wood winner Victor Stepanov Russian exhibitions.
Create doberman councils of the country estates of the boyars events of recent weeks suggest that it is time to call a spade a spade. Time of democracy in all its forms irrevocably gone. Games in her only lead to disappointment raznochintsy intellectuals who still have not mastered the language meta-serviceman gentry and boyars. In Ulyanovsk could be your Arbat This year historical-memorial museum "Homeland Lenin" turns 30 years old. By this date, the museum has prepared a very interesting publication called "Walking Moscow." We have carefully studied fine published book and found in it some notable little-known facts of history. It turns out that the street itself survived Lenin in Soviet times miracle - it wanted to pull down completely, but instead of historic buildings to build high-rises panel. But history, as we know, tends to repeat itself ... How could look center of glass and concrete? On-site will UAZ district By municipality, rumors about the unstable situation on one of the core enterprises of the Ulyanovsk region - the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. Until now, the plant is running, it is worth. The outcomes of the plant in 2013 did not inspire much optimism. We found that going to save the plant from the plant.
Metropolitan Proclus buried doberman in a crypt under the altar of Holy Ascension Cathedral determine the time and place of the funeral and burial of the late Metropolitan Simbirsk and Novospasskogo Proclus. As reported in Simbirsk diocese funeral Eminence Metropolitan Proclus doberman Simbirsk and Novospasskogo held on Wednesday, March 26, at the Cathedral of the Resurrection-Herman (translated Gogol, 11). Here you can say goodbye to the deceased doberman archpastor doberman and pray for the repose of his soul.
Beaten Budarin not recognize the attackers doberman on March 26 about eight o'clock in the entrance of the house on the street 85 Robespierre two unknown hands with hammers doberman attacked Ulyanovsk City Duma deputy Gennady Budarina.
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