This game we have consists of two parts and relates directly to two topics: Transport and City, street, my house (respectively 9 and 10 topics Programs Chudo-Chado). Generally in our Workshop replays and recording sessions are not provided, so I ask you to be personally. A reference to participate in the Workshop on March 22 at 10 am MSK
In the webinar, traditionally three parts. First, very brief (5-7 minutes) lecture on child development. Then I tell how to make a game-razvivashku "Colorful city." Incidentally show how to paint cars for the city. So in the end we consider how to play this game. And then ask you to write a review of lesson Workshop. That's how it will be interesting.
How to take part: Our workshop is live communication master spongebob (ie me) and participants (ie you). It runs not on the School's website Miracle Child, and the service, which organizes webinars. You sign it, and then at a specified time and you will see a room that I'll show you, and hear what I will say. To participate need internet, speakers or headphones, and Adobe Flash Player. Facilitator tells you hear, ask questions spongebob in the chat. It's simple.
-Refreshed still not included --- know in Chrome, for example, to enter, you must give permission. Usually appears at the top line, where you have to click "Allow" or little window, where he should press "Allow". If not pressed, and will not enter because, as without permission?
-I echo what to do? --- Most first-try moving away from the speakers that can fonit: phone, microphone and other elektrogovorilki. Second, do not open the window of our studio twice. Two windows open obnovremenno strongly Radiation at. And the third. spongebob If fonit in this browser, go to another. Only the former do not forget to close the window (two windows, remember?)
1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years twitter SDA own courses abc audio / video / photo butterfly fable webinar spring relationships video video changing spongebob seasons hair imagination perception seasons geography for small globe globe map and graph-year city motor skills movement Dolphins spongebob tree child psychology expert for mom-way breathing exercises animal puzzles toys games health land izodeyatelnost form study exploring color interior nursery books Svetlana Kononova konsultarii beauty contest cubes Zaitseva modeling of salt dough logoritmika mama-time hair mask facials master group master class mathematician fine motor months technique Zaitseva Montessori method Montessori mini-training cartoons thinking Christmas Advent Christmas game nails the world of origami from birth to one year postcards finger games preparation for school training arm to the letter crafts presentation signs of spring profession developmental program video games development language development different cutting Pictures early development story drawing plane whistle with their hands with their hands with children sensory tale changing spongebob seasons controversial topic verses fears dragonfly and ant supermom creativity creativity theme theme tableware furniture transportation anxiety street hair care facial phonemic hearing children read, reading lacing
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