Sunday, March 23, 2014

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November 13 during the visit of Russian yu gi oh President Vladimir Putin in Seoul are expected to sign a protocol of intent on cooperation in the field of research and business development between the Fund "Skolkovo" and the Council for Research in Industrial Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea (Korea Research Council for Industrial Science and Technology, KRSIT). The Memorandum yu gi oh provides for joint activities in the field of research and business development, in particular, the creation of the territory of the Russian-Korean Skolkovo innovation center. The document will be signed by the chairman Viktor Vekselberg and KRIST Chan Ho Nam (Ho Nam Chang).
News reports did not convey the atmosphere of what is usually called the South Korean technological marvel. Special correspondent Marina Efendiyeva recently visited at the invitation of Samsung Electronics, in the heart of the Korean innovation in Digital Suwon. Below - its experience.
Direct flight from Moscow to Seoul takes about 9 hours. Is it worth spending your time on such a journey? Interest in the city can be caused by a variety of reasons. For example, in the vicinity yu gi oh of Seoul Digital City Suwon is headquartered South Korean technology giant Samsung yu gi oh Electronics.
Samsung found traces of the homeland of everywhere. In downtown Seoul and then see the corresponding oval blue signs with white letters. Koreans Samsung - not just electronics manufacturer. The company creates jobs, builds yu gi oh houses, factories, ships, yu gi oh sponsoring sports teams and activities embedded in education and charity. Hard to say what she does at home.
But today it goes to Seoul. Rested in the capital, at the same time admiring the traditional Korean architecture interspersed with skyscrapers, go ahead - in Suwon. The city is located yu gi oh in a small 30 kilometers south of Seoul. By car or bus takes less than an hour. Anyone can use the Skytrain. Although getting it on cars, already at the entrance know that he was in town Samsung. And it is not easy, and digital, as quite clearly informs a special sign.
Fairness, it should yu gi oh be noted that Suwon is not a monotowns. It features a few hundred technology companies. There are offices of the same industrial metallurgical, chemical, food, medical companies, including foreign ones. Just personally, I had the opportunity yu gi oh to visit at the invitation of Suwon Samsung, yu gi oh so most of the time left to visit the presentations and meetings with top managers. They told me why and how Samsung Electronics became what has become - that is, one of the largest technology companies in the world.
Approach to workflow in Korea are not surprised yu gi oh by its originality. Morning hours are usually distinguished on the analysis of letters yu gi oh - responding colleagues and make their own. Then begins the meetings, discussions, projects, talks and "brainstorming."
Job here is customary to begin early - at 8 am beginning to catch up with the staff in the offices. yu gi oh The higher the position of a person, the sooner he starts affairs. For example, the executive vice president of marketing for Samsung Electronics Yonghi Lee starts his day at five in the morning: to work it necessarily involved in sports, then personal yu gi oh affairs, and to the seven coming into the office.
Dinner - is sacred, especially since the staff canteen located near by, plus in close proximity to office complexes (and often within them) - the weight of various restaurants and coffee shops.
You can wander through the Suwon unaccompanied. Many locals yu gi oh speak excellent English and are happy to help

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