Want to feel like God and turn wine into water? And it's not a miracle, it's real - just have a small device Miracle Machine and your smartphone. No grapes, no long waits - only just ordinary things that can be found in the kitchen.
In order to create the wine, you need iPhone. In a special supplement Miracle Machine need to choose the type of wine you want to drink. The program will determine what kind of ingredients should be in the miracle machine, then use the Bluetooth module is connected to the Miracle Machine smartphone. This application will fully control the process of preparation of an alcoholic beverage, which will last for 3 days.
Miracle Machine consists of the following parts: the fermentation chamber, made of thermoplastic material, a heating element, a temperature sensor, a device for mixing the ingredients, the microprocessor to control mangafox the process of making wine, as well as module Bluetooth, by which miracle machine connects to your smartphone.
Externally Miracle Machine resembles a bottle. You can use it to cook 6 wines, including such as pinot noir, chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon. In the future, the company plans to expand the manufacturer list of wines that you can prepare mangafox yourself.
Wine, which is obtained through the pitcher Miracle Machine, manufactured by using ordinary air instead of an inert gas. That is why it is stored just under 2 weeks, so it is necessary mangafox to drink during this period. By the way, the process of making wine can be monitored using an application on your phone.
Interesting thing. But I'm afraid of it not winemakers will be delighted - such damage business. Manufacturers also reported that the wine will help with Miracle Machine, a retail store can cost around $ 20.
Estimated cost of Miracle Machine U.S. $ 500, all scheduled for release 2000 machines. Funds for the mass production of devices miracle pitcher mangafox going on kraudfandingovoy site Kickstarter. If you are a lover of wine, the best investment is not found.
February 19, 2014
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