Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dr. J and I sat speculating one day about many wines how our playing field for the wish to create i

I started this a total new mail that you will hopefully follow fun to the end but the beginning of the "battlefield". What do I, do I start - but for me right before starting reply immediately if you do not want to read about me and Dr Jannie (or Louis Awerbuck like to party known) 's next mission called "Operation Supermarket" no. I will not be able to say that you each week or each month an update will get, but hopefully it is interesting when it does happen. Let's start:
Dr. J and I sat speculating one day about many wines how our playing field for the wish to create internationally renowned TEC, a place where we have the African culture in the next gonfalon of African folk music can help (it was now "De la Rey" the spotlight and stole all think we stand ready to take up arms because of a song). Personally, I try all for past almost 10 years property acquired in place called McGregor, with little effort, I persuaded Dr. J to accompany me, and the DJ to Wine Broad River, a few miles from Roberson.
Weather wine, delicious feast, and after another weekend at McGregor started looking fun and I Jan place. First offer ongeslaag, negotiate, yet offer ongeslaag, negotiate, half passed, negotiate - to the beginning of process (those of you who have already purchased property know whereof I speak) that the landing of the Space Shuttle for easy story look. And cheaper - how to sleep at night as the lawyers they can request one of these horrible amounts fun for the completion of one or two platforms? Apparently that drive up the cost (ECT course asked for a discount) is that they had to drive out to Cape and Paarl - with tractor I ask, can arise justify the cost of fuel and time I have to pay - that me immediately further realize that they no way supposedly sense of humor did not! But that's another prokereurs those, not your good now reading the letter. fun
Among other things, I assure when Jan's life and he's mine - what makes him so terrified he dreams of King Kong that wants thrashing and anxiety wakkel fun like at night. "I'm obviously Kong which to pay out to me you want to take out the policy," I said him and pretend I know anything fun about head physician plays. "No," says John, "but you still drink so fast before you drive home."
So the day comes, and will 19/02/2007 remembered as the day when the first legal aspect of the battlefield has been completed. In between the project I will keep you informed and explain more of what is actually being planned and how we look When you get us there will come visit.
29 February 2007: Dental and ambushes fun
Go try - once a week, something I expand to date can be.
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