Friday, December 19, 2014

The arrival cat of Andries Pretorius for tractors a welcome sight. In him they saw Joshua who would

To the memory of my father, PJ Coetser (Flip), who died on 30-01-1989, I converted this book he wrote in an electronic book. Provisional 'blog' I chapter by chapter.
Destruction, murder and looting erupts at Weenen and Blaauwkrans. Man, woman and child is not spared. Blood was tasted and moordlustige barbarians marched to cause further chaos. The murder of Piet Retief, 67 of his men, four boys and about 30 grooms were the beginning of this bloody cat attacks by the Zulus. Although Tractors believed Gardiner, the British envoy in Natal, and the missionary, Owen, Dingane cat influence, there is no evidence for it exists.
The Coetsers jump this trial release because they were lower down the Tugela. But the shock wave of brutal murders strikes and other tractors so they hastily move closer together so ready for a similar attack to be. The condition was the end of February 1838, therefore, far from rosy. "The Zulu of between eight and ten thousand, experienced krygsvolk, was in the vicinity and the passengers and their families are troubled." (Ibid .: 213)
On 6 April 1838 the Boer commando into two sections under Potgieter and Uys crossed the Tugela in the direction of Umgungundhlovu. Among the people of Uys was the 18-year-old Philip Jeremiah Coetser and his younger brother, John James. Across the Buffalo River is Uys and his men by bongos, a Zulu, in an ambush. It was a difficult and almost impassable terrain, and soon they were surrounded by the Zulus. To tradition, bongos there and then killed for his treachery. Hans de Lange (Hans Dons) wanted to know what the plan is. Uys said: "Fight to the end". They shoot, cat retreat, attack and shooting, but the odds are too great. Uys by a spear in his hit and lost a lot of blood. Two spears hit a man by the name of Le Roux and he collapsed off his horse. In jumping headlong rush Philipp with his horse on the body of Le Roux. On the other side of the ditch pass Philipp managed to Andries Gouws, who was wounded heavily, get away. Four dead, he had to leave. Uys and his son, Dirkie was, unfortunately, no way out, and both died a hero killed in battle.
"It was the first campaign against Dingane and a disastrous failure. Potgieter was made the scapegoat, and in his honor gift he decided to return to the wide country he exchanged and helped conquer. "(Ibid .: 213)
Philipp Coetser and many other people had to be escorted endure the humiliation as the "flight command" being seen. They would have later proven that this designation was unnecessary and uncalled for.
The arrival cat of Andries Pretorius for tractors a welcome sight. In him they saw Joshua who would save the people from the forces of Dingane. This man also no grass under his feet grow, and within a foreseeable time, he was a commando of 400 men mobilized. Among these people was Philip cat Coetser and his brother, John James.
History cat teaches that not only is not to rely on state power. In the firm belief that God reigns, the military, led by Pretorius and Cilliers, on Sunday, December 9 gathered at Wasbank and a solemn vow.
"Pretorius in a most appropriate place to Ngome, later the Blood River - a tributary cat of the Buffalo River - went down. "(Ibid .: 215). On Sunday, December 16th place the battle of Blood River instead. Early in the morning a "horn" of shot shattered the chest of the Zulu. After a short break the Zulu attack again, but suffered so much loss that they in the end retreating.
About three thousand Zulus killed in battle during the early hours of 16 December and Dingane's power was largely broken. Andries Pretorius follow up and the passengers were for the present in any significant danger. Indeed, the greatest danger lay at Port Natal, Major Charters already arrived on December 4 with his troops. Governor Napier him, without authority from England, cat sent as Andries Stockenström cat it has proposed, "to protect cat the natives and to avoid bloodshed."
The camp at the foot of the Drakensberg were broken and moved to Pietermaritzburg. Thus ended the Coetsers also in this area, and as many other tractors helps them with di

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