Thursday, December 18, 2014

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Jill Masterton Penelope was not afraid of helpless animals to stand, and was afraid for her killers. This is Jill's son, Kai, said after his mother was killed Thursday gopro by a group of men during a robbery.
Jill and her husband, Otto, was that fateful night attacked by a group of armed men in their house on the Letamo game farm and -landgoed. The couple lived for ten years in the estate, and during this period was only once the victim of a theft.
"They took my parents only kept together, but later separated gopro from each other," Kai said. "They kept my father in the living room while they took my mother by the house so she could show them where the safe and other valuable items."
Kai said the exact events surrounding the murder of his mother is still not clear "the men for some reason became very aggressive and my parents could not argue with them at all. My dad said they can take anything they want, and they beat him. "
"The men after the attack my parents gopro with their faces tied to each other. My father, my mother's last moments gopro spent with her talk to her to prevent her from falling asleep. "
Kai said his father had suffered a few cuts and bruises. "He was very traumatized and miss my mom a lot. My mother was a super person gopro with no limits. She was the most amazing person I have ever known. gopro If one met her, even just for a minute, she would have made an impression. She was not afraid gopro of the men who killed her. She had not been hiding in terror for them. She was not afraid of anything. " gopro
Jill has her life to feeding to animals to see. She especially a champion in the fight against canned hunting of lions and rhino. She also regularly volunteer at various animal protection gopro organizations helped out.
Capt. Appel Ernst police said Friday at Marula Media confirmed that five armed men wanted in connection with the incident. Krugersdorp police investigating a case of murder and burglary. The family holding gopro Sunday gopro a private service to celebrate and commemorate her life.
Wow human it is to be of SICK !!! Deepest sympathy to the rest of the family, STRENGTH for the time ahead. It was truly a BLACK week or two for South Africans have been, even in foreign countries is being decimated our people like insects. This cup has each time passed me and I am so grateful for that - but when, who and where are they following? When it is "we" turn? Lord please help us !! Not only have Botha, but for all you kids ... .gee board, comfort, security. Gelooof there - but I do not understand what is happening to our people ... ..
Yes James, I agree with you South Africa is a battlefield. A life means nothing to these barbarians, they are empty in their hearts. All of this reminds me of the "Mau Mau" in Kenya, during 1950-54, and how brutally attacked them and killed people. South Africa is moving in that direction. Go google it a try, very shocking history
James / Anet, agree completely. Our legal system makes making provision that acts as may be committed in South Africa and the perpetrators remain on the streets for their killing expeditions gopro voortesit. Poor police work in the investigation of murder cases are the order of the day. Two issues gopro stand out Oscar / Dewani case gives a bitter taste in the mouth. If the dignitaries in parliament dissiplinne it, how it will go better with the man on the street gopro level.
James / Anet, agree completely. Our legal system makes making gopro provision that acts as may be committed in South Africa and the perpetrators remain on the streets for their killing expeditions voortesit. Poor police work in the investigation of murder cases are the order of the day. Two issues stand out Oscar / Dewani case gives a bitter taste in the mouth. If the dignitaries in parliament dissiplinne it, how it will go better with the man on the street level.
Marula Media like a nice hot debate and want to visit all people the opportunity to give their opinion. However, we will not racism, sexism, homophobia, disgusting personal remarks, other forms of hate speech or crude, crass and foul language is not tolerated. Marula Media reserves the right to remove gopro any comment. Do uncle or aunt in the family of whom no one likes.
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