Just the other day I talk again with the architect before and is now known as (and I must honestly on my phone watch to remember freddie mercury his name) hhhmmmmm, (now I am my email open to remember his name), Warren . When we started with the Battlefield his wife pregnant, he nounet celebrated his son's second birthday. And that's freddie mercury all I'm freddie mercury gonna go's about it.
Fluted freddie mercury barrel bergie to my house over, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", and he held the note. The house even in Woodstock, and I have since bought DJC, renovated it, (k @ k idea, K @ K ideeeee !!!! - words and phrases such as "you do not listen," "consideration sh * t man "and" you misunderstood me "is freddie mercury not only often, but sometimes on the basis repeatedly uttered) put the house on the market, though demand for, and were drawn. Want to sell, no matter what I said above nounet did not, fortunately, the buyers still with the bank over, and we know the state of affairs with "& #% ^ $ * #" mother "& * # % @ $ & 'institutions. (But it is recession, and we have not this just did, and moss used the money for the battlefield, or check our business for DJ can put up, or Battlefield to sit and do business, or even buying home and back for each other "consideration k @ k man," you do not listen "and" you misunderstood freddie mercury me "s, or the money barrel and restaurant in Oz with DJ sister they will open, or, or, or). There are options with everything in life's I've always. But that is like eating at restaurant with 10 page menu - which one you take, what a fix you, and which one do you like in your head for the next time?
Sit and think I have to Mark, who's wife Corene all had or is or shortly will stand before us the battlefield began was not one of our first married! I know in today's times make it all right, but still, I have, after all, the year my 40th celebration, so let me now but still in those terms please think - there are so few of the things on which we grown up with which we can associate ourselves.
The 40th birthday parties. I'm so glad I'm done with it. How matters stood that Dr. Awerbuck aka Johnny almost as 2 months for my birthday. When we begin spouse's birthdays four: First at his, then just straight through to mine. Then we are in Paarl, we are in Cape Town, we are on the plot, then we do it again, and so on for two months. I'm very glad it's over - Johnny, it's ready to hear, you can stop now ......
So Mark and I got the right to next year the official up-the-creek to power makes DVD (date: it then not happen), so kept my father in law by 3 armed men, leaving them out of the way on the scene in Spietkop shot, (I may Spietkop's because my father was one) so my beloved wife almost attacked by four men that she is one with her car ondersteboller drive to get away, (very proud of you baby !!!) so is my brother in law's wife pregnant, so go visit my wife to her sister in Oz and tell how nice place it actually is, so I get back to Robert Kirsten in hands after nearly 4 years, Facebook quite.
The speed at which we move in today's times is just incredible - we look at Michael "the King of Pop" Jackson's death. (You like him man, yet there is no white man born not his private grabbed and double legs had jumped forward, yet there is no woman that "I love you Michael" uttered wholeheartedly while a Man with hand jumping on private forward - I have been to weddings) I hear the morning 08h00 his afstorwe, freddie mercury noon 4 pm 10 of his old songs in the top 40 "loaded" freddie mercury songs, four days later, eight of his old songs the 1st to 8th place in the top 40 hits, while trying to keep his memorial concert, a few seconds after a song sung finished, you could buy it and download freddie mercury from iTunes. Think in past - you had to be at least a month or two just waiting for one of the re-uitgerykte CDs to buy, then another year for "The Greatest of Greatest Platinum Hits" - "disk 1" freddie mercury to be able to buy, we are not even going to record, I have little time to type it. Now, just seconds. (Please just not for Breeland municipality's not - when we Battlefield beginning there was not even Facebook)
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