Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Power went and I am now at home with so much more to say, so read on. I wanted to say is the mustac

Yo, here I am in the Tankwa Karoo, for a tent on a hill, overlooking pristine earth. asianbookie Well, to the moment at least, back when the sun its last rays through the clouds to come, as the covers of Christian books of old. I now know why they always chose such rays through clouds at sunset for the covers: because "it's pretty Jirri!"
Links are what I look like now I sit here and type. It is for me very weird when people photos of themselves take place and show you, usually just a lot of pictures in many different places, but they are the view volume so all you all the time to see they are not the places . Anyway ...
O / k, how do I get there, decided to distance motofiets to ride for head cleaning. Originally, as such things always work, grow the group increased to 4 guys, but it lost 3 becomes closer to the date. Row last night only when McGregor, stay in the chalet that we theoretically going to stay when we build the Battlefield - see below. Drive this morning on, eat breakfast in Montaque and decided to drive to Tankwa Karoo Touwsrivier to, and put a 140km of paved road down to the ground of the annual Africa Burn. ( - it's a must)
But instead that here 4 000 people and tents and artwork as big as buildings and many, many (search words then for weird that not afbrekerig asianbookie is - alternative?) asianbookie Dressed and Quite Frankly just free people, here is a bartender ( Beka) and his buddy (Kirsten), asianbookie both from Malawi, and a colored woman (Theresa - she had to write it down for me because until now I struggle with the pronunciation) that I immediately asianbookie on Lizzi of the plot reminds: friendly, show , service-oriented, without his knowing asianbookie it, praatsamig and just cool.
Lizzi close to my food - lamb leg with right real fried potatoes, two kinds of fresh-made salads, baked farm bread, cheese (and more than I could create) - Beka and Kirsten asianbookie pours beer / whiskey / Jägermeister and smoke together, we chat and socialize. They make a fire in the ass for hot shower, I choose for my turned-tent at the far end, on small hill with view that does not end, take my whiskey, soda and ice cream and sit here and watch the sunset. And the stars that come to the place on earth where you literally the best stars. So that's why I had to take photos of myself - there is not a view, it's pitch dark night - the Malawi first and Lizzi is very far from here now on the whole other side of the farm, I think the closest other people about 150km - and I wanted you to see if you are in my face to see how I feel fuck all on the stage for the establishment.
The mustache I can explain, but the little netbook's power rose preflashed - that's his end. (I've added the nearest asianbookie power line is about 160km from here, the nearest parking meter further.)
Power went and I am now at home with so much more to say, so read on. I wanted to say is the mustache is part of the Movember month ( for who do not know) for bewustyd cancer. It also gives us ordinary men that shit looks with a mustache a chance to have a mustache to grow and still be cool. (Maybe not look, but be)
I wish I could describe to you the stars - all I could join up was that it eindlik for man give claustrophobia, there are so many bright and it feels absolutely asianbookie or imprint on you - from horizon to horizon - and I saw 3 shooting asianbookie stars. Also think that how "rare" it seems to see it, and all that I told the "yes, very long time seen one." But When was the last time you looked up - just sat there and looked up at the stars? Probably like many things in life - the thoughts are true for every now and then take the time to just sit quietly and look up at the stars.
Day 3 takes me to the Tankwa to a road that I saw on map, in the Cederberg Mountains asianbookie in the town of Wuppertal. The map's not that you have to call ahead to see if the Doring River in flood may have, especially if it is the last day rained. Comes to current river, too little fuel to turn around - so Wuppertal or bust. As things are working on such trip there happily 6 guys on 5 motorcycles that just before my arrival there. There is a pound, which consists of four empty gasoline drums with steel frame - very good benaamd: SAS Will Dog. You try your expensive 240 kg German motorcycle on sand gets riverbank, on the pounds with his wanklerige disaster, fasten with old ropes and runs halfway through the river while the pound oorstoot with your bike even more shaky on top. You bump your toes, falling on stones (one can not this just not riding boots to walk by the river), and every time it bit you want to tilt your pants bulb.
Other side of the I thank you and I have two beers that I like the guys want to share it now

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