Power for Today Thursday, February 4th - Small and Big Things
William L. Stidger told in his book There are Sermons Stories of the girl Sadie Smithson who grew up poor in actual Johnsons Falls, West Virgiania. Her father was in charge of a horse stable and herself with sewing an income trying to make. They just lived above the indigent level. She wanted to mingle with the upper class of the town. Her plan to get it right, was to become a member of the Laurel Literary Society, an organization that reflects the social luster xbox 720 of her town. After she finished high school she applied for membership. Her application was denied. Well, she thought, maybe they will think of her more as she traveled through Europe. She saved money and dreamed how the soft glove hands clapping as she delivered her lecture from my tour of Europe. After years of thrift, xbox 720 she realized her dream and with a professor and his wife embarked on the tour. Just then broke World War. Sadie was the opening shots of the war in Belgium, but she managed to catch a ride Paris. The manager, however, its rate of late and suddenly they drove over a battlefield. Sadie looked down ON A wounded soldier lying next to their vehicles. "Water!" He cried. "For heaven's sake, water!" Sadie jumped out of the van, and with a cup ran to a nearby fountain and brought him water. And calling one more for water. Again running its fountain. The bus left without her. Whole night she ran back and forth between the fountain and wounded soldiers. xbox 720 She tore her dress strips and stripes tie try. She dying men's messages are written down to their dear ones. At every man she prayed. It was a night of terror and darkness, and screams of wounded soldiers. An ambulance with a doctor and nurses arrived. He was amazed to find the poor young woman from West Virginia between the blood and destruction of the war. William Stidger's words call the doctor, xbox 720 "Who are you? What in thunder are you doing here? "" I'm, She Said, "and I've beenholding hell back all night." "Well, Miss Sadie Smithson," zegt the young doctor, "I'm glad you some hero or it back, for everybody else in the world were Letting units it loose last night. "Back home, on the ship, told her story to a medepassasier. "I myself have not had children, but that night all those men my children. I was that night my life could give them, "she adds. The passenger said, "Well, I think the Laurel Literary Society will now be happy to make you their member. Sadie said, in Stidger's words: "No, I've nbeen face to face with war and death and hell and God. Now little things like the Laurel Literary Soceity don 't matter xbox 720 to me ny tomorrow. "" What does matter, "Asked the friend. "Nothing," Sadie said. "Nothing but God and love - and doing what I can do for Those He Sends me to."
Some of Jesus' attitude woke up that night into her heart, that little world weeldes and honor for her meaningless value. Jesus is called in the dark of night to a dying mensdoem came. He loved us and gave himself xbox 720 for us. When he comes into our hearts live changed our perspective of life.
YES! I want to accept Jesus and be born again! What should I do? Read more Romans 10: 9 If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Because if you acknowledge and confessed with your lip, dat Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) dat God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. AddThis
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William L. Stidger told in his book There are Sermons Stories of the girl Sadie Smithson who grew up poor in actual Johnsons Falls, West Virgiania. Her father was in charge of a horse stable and herself with sewing an income trying to make. They just lived above the indigent level. She wanted to mingle with the upper class of the town. Her plan to get it right, was to become a member of the Laurel Literary Society, an organization that reflects the social luster xbox 720 of her town. After she finished high school she applied for membership. Her application was denied. Well, she thought, maybe they will think of her more as she traveled through Europe. She saved money and dreamed how the soft glove hands clapping as she delivered her lecture from my tour of Europe. After years of thrift, xbox 720 she realized her dream and with a professor and his wife embarked on the tour. Just then broke World War. Sadie was the opening shots of the war in Belgium, but she managed to catch a ride Paris. The manager, however, its rate of late and suddenly they drove over a battlefield. Sadie looked down ON A wounded soldier lying next to their vehicles. "Water!" He cried. "For heaven's sake, water!" Sadie jumped out of the van, and with a cup ran to a nearby fountain and brought him water. And calling one more for water. Again running its fountain. The bus left without her. Whole night she ran back and forth between the fountain and wounded soldiers. xbox 720 She tore her dress strips and stripes tie try. She dying men's messages are written down to their dear ones. At every man she prayed. It was a night of terror and darkness, and screams of wounded soldiers. An ambulance with a doctor and nurses arrived. He was amazed to find the poor young woman from West Virginia between the blood and destruction of the war. William Stidger's words call the doctor, xbox 720 "Who are you? What in thunder are you doing here? "" I'm, She Said, "and I've beenholding hell back all night." "Well, Miss Sadie Smithson," zegt the young doctor, "I'm glad you some hero or it back, for everybody else in the world were Letting units it loose last night. "Back home, on the ship, told her story to a medepassasier. "I myself have not had children, but that night all those men my children. I was that night my life could give them, "she adds. The passenger said, "Well, I think the Laurel Literary Society will now be happy to make you their member. Sadie said, in Stidger's words: "No, I've nbeen face to face with war and death and hell and God. Now little things like the Laurel Literary Soceity don 't matter xbox 720 to me ny tomorrow. "" What does matter, "Asked the friend. "Nothing," Sadie said. "Nothing but God and love - and doing what I can do for Those He Sends me to."
Some of Jesus' attitude woke up that night into her heart, that little world weeldes and honor for her meaningless value. Jesus is called in the dark of night to a dying mensdoem came. He loved us and gave himself xbox 720 for us. When he comes into our hearts live changed our perspective of life.
YES! I want to accept Jesus and be born again! What should I do? Read more Romans 10: 9 If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Because if you acknowledge and confessed with your lip, dat Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) dat God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. AddThis
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