It's a great porch. No man or animal can forget the frenetic encounter between the warm Indian Ocean and its frigid Atlantic brother if you do not stand there. We know only a sip of wine or coffee later you may be expecting anything - from charging clouds over the sea to dramatic solar, lunar and zodiac scenes. Or unexpected visitors.
And stories. Strung and neatly how hemmed by mountains on one side and sea on the other. Lame and worn especially by Gerard - dramalektor of occupation. We leave together on their expeditions, distant and strange. how Or get home entertainment, even better and weirder. One moment you cling to a scooter at dizzying how chasms or trying to stay on a bike through quiet forests Russian. Just to lay back the next moment, as you laugh at yet another saga about local hoflikheidsbesoeke by eminent baboons or other characters from their commune: a afstert bloukopkoggelmander, a sly mongoose, puff and field mice. Scott, how the leopard in the mountains wander and Cat-cat, a befoeterde Siberian Forest, also move somewhere behind the scenes. Gerard just think the site is his.
After last year's Christmas he muses in a letter about Charlie, an old war-horse of a baboon. Everyone knows about the two's long love-hate relationship. how Charlie's regular, impudent visits once a frightened worker through the garage roof a dip in their new car dropped. But Gerard, itself now gray, reported: how "Charlie, the old gentleman, the Prince of Red Alder, old and toothless, stooped. The last time I saw him, I long to him to sit down and talk ... "
But with the farewell dinner for our next European trip with our Red Alder mother, Hettie Claassens, our third major Rooielswens so nearly true - in the yellow eyes of a leopard how look. (Well it was not like a leopard, just totally how unlikely, because Scott so every six weeks here knew about on the field cameras.)
That look and encounter in our burn. The yellow of the eyes that our thousands of times over the dream. What I have in detail in light wavering wrote. A look that can see into your deepest oerwete. And never leave again.
"Just as the sunbirds and baboons do, we enjoy sitting on Gerard and Anuta's how porch at Rooi Els. It's a good place. No human or animal kan forget the restless meeting of the warm Indian Ocean met haar cold Atlantic cousin. We all know dat just a sip of wine or coffee later u can Expect anything - from clouds rolling in over the sea to dramatic sun, moon or star scenes. how Equally unexpected visitors.
She writes ook of the animals present themselves dat there, from lizards to mongooses, and field mice puffadders to Scott, the resident leopard who was clocked six weeks at everytime field cameras and finally Katkat, the Siberian Forest Cat.
But on the occasion of Our Farewell lunch at the home of Our Rooiels mother, Hettie Claassens, our great dream was almost Rooiels realised how - therein how or Looking into the yellow eyes of a leopard. (Well, it was not Scott - dat bow to be too Improbable!)
That meeting of the eyes Has Been burned JSON our memories. The yellow eyes u have Dreamed of, a dat I wrote out in detail in Light Reeling, a look burned JSON your primeval consciousness. And something dat will never leave you.
4 thoughts on "Through the eyes of a lynx / Through the eyes of a caracal" how
Hey, beautifully written! How big is a Caracal? Animals see only black / white (no colors) and responds to movements that respond how to their survival. One learns a lot of animals .. and we miss our dog Amber - (although not the clearing behind her not !!) Animals make you more like people feel - that sharpen our sense of who we is..ons uniqueness .. Carine xx
Gazing JSON yellow eyes acids takes one out of the ordinary Humdrum of life! However, back 'here at the ranch "in the real world, how we had a burst water main at the junction cognition 222. No damage to 222, but the brick road will port to be re-layed down to the corner, as the water caused serious sinkages, I Hear port leg there other water bursts - must be something to do with the new reservour ?? Keep your eyes on the road ahead.
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