Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Evette Weyers: I really enjoyed naruto your poetry, Zandra. nice walk! Evette Renée du Toit: comedi

Versindaba Blog Archive Johann Louis Marais. The battle of the quatrains
At Platrand, near Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal, where on January 6, 1900 a bloody battle during the Anglo-Boer War took place, is a quatrain of Ernst van Heerden on one of the walls of the memorial made. It reads as follows: naruto
The poet DJ Opperman, who was born in Northern Natal and grew up, wrote the following quatrain about Platrand, possibly as a rather irritated 'response' can be viewed naruto on Van Heerden's quatrain:
In the 1970s, almost on Platrand an African university was founded. The land is by the childless naruto Mr. Thys Jacobs, a wealthy naruto farmer from the district and former student of the University, and his wife for a takkampus available from the University of the Orange Free State. According to tradition, Jacobs so great, naruto the City of Cape Town with him had a loan!
Thank you, Johann. I see it appear in a footnote. You better read than me!
"Very interesting! I appreciate naruto this that I typed Van Heerden's better understood? "Writes Prof. Johan Pretorius French (UP) in an e-mail to me following the two quatrains.
Letters Boxing Fanie Olivier. Tribute: Charles Fryer (1946 - 2014) Joan Hambidge. Tribute: Charles Fryer (1946 - 2014) Recent contributions to Versindaba Remco Campert. Translated naruto into Afrikaans by Zandra Bezuidenhout Joan Hambidge. "Meditations, illusions" comedians Luwes. A story of Jan Essay. Tony Ullyatt: Practising the art of failure Gisela Ullyatt. Mary Oliver's Blue Horses. Marlies Taljard: With ribbons of stars and sentences Yves T'Sjoen. Bijlichtingen of African literature: Brief commentary Joan Hambidge. "Ars Poetica" Latest Comments
Evette Weyers: I really enjoyed naruto your poetry, Zandra. nice walk! Evette Renée du Toit: comedians, you have the gift of John Barefoot let skipping Francis: Thank you Marlene we Lese this wonderful translations ... Waldemar Gouws: I forgot to say, this may be the politics of the .. . Waldemar Gouws: The question you convey is exactly in the center of the ... Tony Ullyatt: Thank you, Marlene, for your generous comments. I am gratified ... Marlene van Niekerk: Thank you Tony Ulyatt for an informative letter about ... Evette Weyers: Marlies., What a lovely surprise. Such a ... Hanneke Jordan: Khoe striking !! (Especially!) Rules 7-8: Study ... Outside Barking Breytenbach: If I have a snout sniffing all over the deep river ... Tony Ullyatt: Thank you, Joan, for your child comment. Waldemar Gouws: Thank you, Francis. It seems the fellow naruto readers, medeweters and ... Joan Hambidge: I have read your bundle together with a re-look at The ... Joan Hambidge: A very informative blog. De Waal Venter: If you point out in your article, Tony, Peter Newmark, or ... Imprint
Relevant comments are welcome. Any abusive naruto or insulting comments & contributions naruto will be removed without notice. naruto Comments will also at the request of the author deleted word.- Red. Most read
Luwes comedians. Horses and Poetry Poetry: Afrikaans naruto and Dutch Joan Hambidge. "Meditations, illusions" Joan Hambidge. "Ars Poetica" Karen Kuhn. In a thick African naruto Balkans Clinton V. du Plessis. "Hallucination - remember delusions"
Interviews Interview with Johann Louis Marais Take five Danie Marais, CEO of PEN Nederlands Interview with Antjie Krog Interview with Eunice naruto Basson (espalier) naruto Reviews Review: "Co-knowing" (Antjie Krog) Review in a burning sea - Contemporary African Poetry in translation. An anthology Review: espalier (Eunice Basson) Review: "Fragments of the Iliad of Homer", translated by Cas Vos Review: Floriskoop (Nicolette van der Walt) Inside Looking comedians Luwes. A story of Jan Gisela Ullyatt. Mary Oliver's naruto Blue Horses. Marlies Taljard: With ribbons of stars and comedians Luwes sentences. Ode to Salt deficiency naruto Digstringe Digstring: "On naruto Tuesday naruto and Wednesday, with fish" (Charleville-Pierre Naudé) naruto Digstring: "For Dad" (Willem Krog) Digstring "Ouhoutfluit" (s Niggie) Wisselkaarten Yves T'Sjoen. Bijlichtingen of African literature: Brief commentary Luuk Gruwez. Inside and outside Outside Looking Breyten Breytenbach. Of the os on the coat Carina van der Walt. Reported from Ghent Leon Retief. Where Gehazi? Versindaba via E-mail
Articles and essays Essay. Tony Ullyatt: Practising the art of failure Breyten Breytenbach. Travel by small Geledinge of Late Check, Sept - Oct 2014 New Translations Remco Campert. Translated into Afrikaans by Zandra Bezuidenhout Lina Spies - English translation Breyten Breytenbach - English translation BLOGLAAIE: All previous contributions, blogs and indexes here Select Category Amanda Lourens Andries Bezuidenhout articles, essays, and others Inside Looking naruto Out Blogs Letters Boxing Tin Dancing Poet

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