Versindaba Blog Archive Johann Louis Marais. The battle of the quatrains
At Platrand, near Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal, where on January 6, 1900 a bloody battle during the Anglo-Boer War took place, is a quatrain of Ernst van Heerden on one of the walls of the memorial made. It reads as follows: naruto
The poet DJ Opperman, who was born in Northern Natal and grew up, wrote the following quatrain about Platrand, possibly as a rather irritated 'response' can be viewed naruto on Van Heerden's quatrain:
In the 1970s, almost on Platrand an African university was founded. The land is by the childless naruto Mr. Thys Jacobs, a wealthy naruto farmer from the district and former student of the University, and his wife for a takkampus available from the University of the Orange Free State. According to tradition, Jacobs so great, naruto the City of Cape Town with him had a loan!
Thank you, Johann. I see it appear in a footnote. You better read than me!
"Very interesting! I appreciate naruto this that I typed Van Heerden's better understood? "Writes Prof. Johan Pretorius French (UP) in an e-mail to me following the two quatrains.
Letters Boxing Fanie Olivier. Tribute: Charles Fryer (1946 - 2014) Joan Hambidge. Tribute: Charles Fryer (1946 - 2014) Recent contributions to Versindaba Remco Campert. Translated naruto into Afrikaans by Zandra Bezuidenhout Joan Hambidge. "Meditations, illusions" comedians Luwes. A story of Jan Essay. Tony Ullyatt: Practising the art of failure Gisela Ullyatt. Mary Oliver's Blue Horses. Marlies Taljard: With ribbons of stars and sentences Yves T'Sjoen. Bijlichtingen of African literature: Brief commentary Joan Hambidge. "Ars Poetica" Latest Comments
Evette Weyers: I really enjoyed naruto your poetry, Zandra. nice walk! Evette Renée du Toit: comedians, you have the gift of John Barefoot let skipping Francis: Thank you Marlene we Lese this wonderful translations ... Waldemar Gouws: I forgot to say, this may be the politics of the .. . Waldemar Gouws: The question you convey is exactly in the center of the ... Tony Ullyatt: Thank you, Marlene, for your generous comments. I am gratified ... Marlene van Niekerk: Thank you Tony Ulyatt for an informative letter about ... Evette Weyers: Marlies., What a lovely surprise. Such a ... Hanneke Jordan: Khoe striking !! (Especially!) Rules 7-8: Study ... Outside Barking Breytenbach: If I have a snout sniffing all over the deep river ... Tony Ullyatt: Thank you, Joan, for your child comment. Waldemar Gouws: Thank you, Francis. It seems the fellow naruto readers, medeweters and ... Joan Hambidge: I have read your bundle together with a re-look at The ... Joan Hambidge: A very informative blog. De Waal Venter: If you point out in your article, Tony, Peter Newmark, or ... Imprint
Relevant comments are welcome. Any abusive naruto or insulting comments & contributions naruto will be removed without notice. naruto Comments will also at the request of the author deleted word.- Red. Most read
Luwes comedians. Horses and Poetry Poetry: Afrikaans naruto and Dutch Joan Hambidge. "Meditations, illusions" Joan Hambidge. "Ars Poetica" Karen Kuhn. In a thick African naruto Balkans Clinton V. du Plessis. "Hallucination - remember delusions"
Interviews Interview with Johann Louis Marais Take five Danie Marais, CEO of PEN Nederlands Interview with Antjie Krog Interview with Eunice naruto Basson (espalier) naruto Reviews Review: "Co-knowing" (Antjie Krog) Review in a burning sea - Contemporary African Poetry in translation. An anthology Review: espalier (Eunice Basson) Review: "Fragments of the Iliad of Homer", translated by Cas Vos Review: Floriskoop (Nicolette van der Walt) Inside Looking comedians Luwes. A story of Jan Gisela Ullyatt. Mary Oliver's naruto Blue Horses. Marlies Taljard: With ribbons of stars and comedians Luwes sentences. Ode to Salt deficiency naruto Digstringe Digstring: "On naruto Tuesday naruto and Wednesday, with fish" (Charleville-Pierre Naudé) naruto Digstring: "For Dad" (Willem Krog) Digstring "Ouhoutfluit" (s Niggie) Wisselkaarten Yves T'Sjoen. Bijlichtingen of African literature: Brief commentary Luuk Gruwez. Inside and outside Outside Looking Breyten Breytenbach. Of the os on the coat Carina van der Walt. Reported from Ghent Leon Retief. Where Gehazi? Versindaba via E-mail
Articles and essays Essay. Tony Ullyatt: Practising the art of failure Breyten Breytenbach. Travel by small Geledinge of Late Check, Sept - Oct 2014 New Translations Remco Campert. Translated into Afrikaans by Zandra Bezuidenhout Lina Spies - English translation Breyten Breytenbach - English translation BLOGLAAIE: All previous contributions, blogs and indexes here Select Category Amanda Lourens Andries Bezuidenhout articles, essays, and others Inside Looking naruto Out Blogs Letters Boxing Tin Dancing Poet
At Platrand, near Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal, where on January 6, 1900 a bloody battle during the Anglo-Boer War took place, is a quatrain of Ernst van Heerden on one of the walls of the memorial made. It reads as follows: naruto
The poet DJ Opperman, who was born in Northern Natal and grew up, wrote the following quatrain about Platrand, possibly as a rather irritated 'response' can be viewed naruto on Van Heerden's quatrain:
In the 1970s, almost on Platrand an African university was founded. The land is by the childless naruto Mr. Thys Jacobs, a wealthy naruto farmer from the district and former student of the University, and his wife for a takkampus available from the University of the Orange Free State. According to tradition, Jacobs so great, naruto the City of Cape Town with him had a loan!
Thank you, Johann. I see it appear in a footnote. You better read than me!
"Very interesting! I appreciate naruto this that I typed Van Heerden's better understood? "Writes Prof. Johan Pretorius French (UP) in an e-mail to me following the two quatrains.
Letters Boxing Fanie Olivier. Tribute: Charles Fryer (1946 - 2014) Joan Hambidge. Tribute: Charles Fryer (1946 - 2014) Recent contributions to Versindaba Remco Campert. Translated naruto into Afrikaans by Zandra Bezuidenhout Joan Hambidge. "Meditations, illusions" comedians Luwes. A story of Jan Essay. Tony Ullyatt: Practising the art of failure Gisela Ullyatt. Mary Oliver's Blue Horses. Marlies Taljard: With ribbons of stars and sentences Yves T'Sjoen. Bijlichtingen of African literature: Brief commentary Joan Hambidge. "Ars Poetica" Latest Comments
Evette Weyers: I really enjoyed naruto your poetry, Zandra. nice walk! Evette Renée du Toit: comedians, you have the gift of John Barefoot let skipping Francis: Thank you Marlene we Lese this wonderful translations ... Waldemar Gouws: I forgot to say, this may be the politics of the .. . Waldemar Gouws: The question you convey is exactly in the center of the ... Tony Ullyatt: Thank you, Marlene, for your generous comments. I am gratified ... Marlene van Niekerk: Thank you Tony Ulyatt for an informative letter about ... Evette Weyers: Marlies., What a lovely surprise. Such a ... Hanneke Jordan: Khoe striking !! (Especially!) Rules 7-8: Study ... Outside Barking Breytenbach: If I have a snout sniffing all over the deep river ... Tony Ullyatt: Thank you, Joan, for your child comment. Waldemar Gouws: Thank you, Francis. It seems the fellow naruto readers, medeweters and ... Joan Hambidge: I have read your bundle together with a re-look at The ... Joan Hambidge: A very informative blog. De Waal Venter: If you point out in your article, Tony, Peter Newmark, or ... Imprint
Relevant comments are welcome. Any abusive naruto or insulting comments & contributions naruto will be removed without notice. naruto Comments will also at the request of the author deleted word.- Red. Most read
Luwes comedians. Horses and Poetry Poetry: Afrikaans naruto and Dutch Joan Hambidge. "Meditations, illusions" Joan Hambidge. "Ars Poetica" Karen Kuhn. In a thick African naruto Balkans Clinton V. du Plessis. "Hallucination - remember delusions"
Interviews Interview with Johann Louis Marais Take five Danie Marais, CEO of PEN Nederlands Interview with Antjie Krog Interview with Eunice naruto Basson (espalier) naruto Reviews Review: "Co-knowing" (Antjie Krog) Review in a burning sea - Contemporary African Poetry in translation. An anthology Review: espalier (Eunice Basson) Review: "Fragments of the Iliad of Homer", translated by Cas Vos Review: Floriskoop (Nicolette van der Walt) Inside Looking comedians Luwes. A story of Jan Gisela Ullyatt. Mary Oliver's naruto Blue Horses. Marlies Taljard: With ribbons of stars and comedians Luwes sentences. Ode to Salt deficiency naruto Digstringe Digstring: "On naruto Tuesday naruto and Wednesday, with fish" (Charleville-Pierre Naudé) naruto Digstring: "For Dad" (Willem Krog) Digstring "Ouhoutfluit" (s Niggie) Wisselkaarten Yves T'Sjoen. Bijlichtingen of African literature: Brief commentary Luuk Gruwez. Inside and outside Outside Looking Breyten Breytenbach. Of the os on the coat Carina van der Walt. Reported from Ghent Leon Retief. Where Gehazi? Versindaba via E-mail
Articles and essays Essay. Tony Ullyatt: Practising the art of failure Breyten Breytenbach. Travel by small Geledinge of Late Check, Sept - Oct 2014 New Translations Remco Campert. Translated into Afrikaans by Zandra Bezuidenhout Lina Spies - English translation Breyten Breytenbach - English translation BLOGLAAIE: All previous contributions, blogs and indexes here Select Category Amanda Lourens Andries Bezuidenhout articles, essays, and others Inside Looking naruto Out Blogs Letters Boxing Tin Dancing Poet
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